Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Purrs and Purrayers Needed...

Thank you, KC and ML, for the lovely purrs picture.

Locket needs some purrs and purrayers tonight. The infection he had when he came in returned twice as bad today and we rushed him to the vet. He said relapses were common with that type of infection and he needs to keep Locket overnight for observation. He cried at me when the technician took him back to the cat room.
Cocoa's been walking around looking for him. I feel so bad.
I've had to leave cats at the vet's before and each time it's heartwrenching. I'm worried he thinks I've left him there for good. Poor baby, he's hardly six months old and he's never been away from his family before, ever. He's probably scared out of his wits.
I can't think about it. It makes me feel so bad, like I'm a bad pet parent to have left him there.


  1. We hope Locket will be fine and back home soon!

  2. The vet's keeping his fingers crossed for Friday.

    Also, I set up a Catster page for him.

  3. We're here to send purrs and prayers to Locket, and to the whole family. We wish him to get home soon, and feel better too.

  4. Oh Locket, I am purring my very best for you! I hope you feel better soon and get to come home right away.

  5. We are sending lots of purrs to Locket.

  6. It IS a wrench to leave a furbaby at the vets, but the alternative is to keep him with you and maybe make a terrible mistake. best leave it to the experts, you know he's in great hands. He'll have forgotten about it in 5 minutes when he comes out to you!

  7. Poor Locket!! I'm purring for him to get better soon! I hope the V-E-T can help him. Don't feel bad for leaving him -- you have to help him get better adnd it does not make you a bad pet parent.

  8. We're sorry that Locket is not feeling too good. We'll purr really hard for him to get well soon, so that he can go home to be with his family,


    Gypsy & Tasha

  9. I hope Locket will get better and be home with you soon. I know how Cocoa must feel. Lots of purrs to you all.

  10. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  11. Aw sumtimes (even tho we hates it) we gotta stay at the v-e-t. We hopes the v-e-t can help him fastest so he feels all way better quik! We will purr lots and lots for Locket!

  12. You are not a bad pet parent....Locket will get the best care staying there. Mewom had to leave me overnight at the v-e-t one time. She cried and cried....cause she loves me and I know this.

    My Meowm, my brother and I will be purring for Locket to get well quick!


  13. You are not a bad pet parent for leaving him at the vet. You're a GREAT pet parent for taking him in and helping him get all fixed up. We will be sending our very best purrs and healing vibes to sweet Locket!

  14. You're a GOOD pet parent to have left him there for observation. I hope that the stay will help him recover and come HOME to you soon!

  15. Hoping little miss Locket will be back home soon, and awholabunch better.

  16. Getting him all the care he needs is what makes you a fantastic parent, not a bad one, and who knows, there might be an office cat or human as good as me watching out for him :)

  17. We all feel that we are pad pet parents when our babies get sick ans have to stay over at the vets. Or when we have to be away for a few days and have to have a sitter, even if is is my daughter!
