Monday, March 30, 2009

Bonne Nuit, D'Artagnan

Every night before I go to bed, the cats and I have a ritual we do.

The Feline Five sleep in my room at night on five pillows and every night I hold each of them for a little while and scratch their ears and rub their tummies until they're good and sleepy.

D'Artagnan is the only one that sleeps beside my bed. We tried his pillow in the row at first but after three consecutive nights of him waking up on the rug beside my bed, he decided for me that he was not going to leave me. D'Artagnan is my own personal alarm clock. Every morning he hops into my bed and snuggles under my covers to wake me up. It beats an alarm clock hands down.

Well, last night I was reading before I went to bed when all of a sudden D'Artagnan jumps onto my bed and opens his mouth. Well, technically he was crying, but D'Artagnan so rarely cries that I sometimes wonder if he has working vocal chords because no sound ever comes out.

D'Artagnan is the only cat who knows commands in French, so I said to him, like I say whenever he cries, "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?" or "What is the matter?"

In response, he lied on his back and stared at me with his big green eyes.

I know I don't really have a good photo of D'Artagnan up because he is really camera-shy. He is a sweetheart and a lovebug, but he does not understand the concept of posing like Locket and Cocoa do.

D'Artagnan has a face like a man. It narrows out into a very precise chin and that, coupled with his big ears, makes Cassie call him Batman when she's not calling him James Bond. When he lays on his back and stares up at me with his big eyes in an attempt to look all innocent, he just manages to look stupid. I love him anyway.

So D'Artagnan was laying on his back staring up at me. (He also has a horizontal strip of white across his tummy.) I scratched his tummy where he likes it and he closed his eyes and purred. His little front paws stretched in and out as he kneaded the air.

"Would you like to sleep up here tonight?" I asked him. "Just tonight." My mom says if I let him sleep on my bed routinely, he'll think it's his bed.

He purred louder and curled into an S.

"No," I said, laughing. "Not here. You're in the middle of my bed!"

I picked him up. He kneaded the shoulder of my shirt then allowed me to lay him down beside me. He closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

"Bonne nuit, D'Artagnan," I whispered to him before I picked up my book and started reading.

A moment later he'd put his head on my shoulder.

Should I mention D'Ar snores?


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wonderful News.. and a Question

On Tuesday, Locket went in for his check up... Bye-bye, infection! There was no trace of it! The vet says he thinks the reason it came back so badly this time was because his first round of antibiotics came when he was emaciated - four pounds on the vet's scale! - after I'd first brought him in. I have to continue the antibiotics for five more days and then he'll be done.

I also have a question about a behavior I've noticed in Locket and Buster that's really starting to disturb me. So it's warming up here and all the birds are back in the trees behind my house. Godiva, Cocoa, and D'Artagnan watch them, but not as much as Locket and Buster. Well, I came home from school both Monday and yesterday to find them so transfixed on the birds they didn't run to the door to see who it was. As I'm standing there watching them I hear this reallly funny noise: click-click-click-click, like a rattlesnake. When I look down at Locket, he's watching a squirrel intensely with his mouth open, clicking his teeth. I considered scolding him, but then he wasn't doing anything technically bad; he could have been trying to talk, for all I knew. I came back a half-hour later to Buster clicking just like Locket had, only at a big, fat bird. What is this? Is this aggression? I asked Cassie if her cat Dixie Hiccup does this and she said no, so I am completely in the dark. If any beans or furbabies could help me understand this, I would really appreciate it.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wordy Wednesday 2009 (Again)!

Lots of thanks and my sincerest apologies to Zoolatry, who made this lovely photo of Cocoa avec une Guimauve. (I posted the photo on the wrong date.) This is the epitome of Cocoa!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Introducing... The Cat Philanthropy Purr-ney Express!

This greeting card is one my great-great-grandfather sent to his future wife in 1909.I have several huge books of postcards from between maybe 1890 and 1930. If anyone needs any cards for any occasions, just let me know. I've got bunches. Email me at


Friday, March 20, 2009


If you were at my vet clinic today, you would have seen Locket throwing a little kitty fit and me crying. Cassie wasn't there, but she says she has a pretty good idea of what happened...

(Cassie's taking Writing for the Screen this semester.)


LILY LOCKE is standing beside a metal exam table with a pet taxi. She is impatient. She is considering pacing the floor.

The rear door OPENS and TRISHA, the vet tech, comes out carrying LOCKET, wrapped in a blanket.

SFX: Locket CRYING pitifully.

Lily! Lily! Where were you? I thought you left me
here for good!
Lily scoops him up and cuddles him. She is crying.
It's okay, Locket! It's okay, sweetie. You're going home
and you're going to see Buster and D'Artagnan. And Cocoa!
Cocoa's been going crazy about you!
Lily, you'll never guess what happened to me! This big, fat cat
yelled at me!
I missed you, Locky! Are you okay? Are you all better?
And then Trisha scolded him and when she wasn't looking,
he took his hairy paw and tried to hit me. I bit him!
I know, I know, you'll be fine. We're going home and
you and I are going to have a nice quiet weekend with the
rest of th cats! If you climb into the cage like a good boy -
But Lily, you're not listening to me! Someone hissed at me!
- I'll let you out in the car and you can sleep on the
backseat in the sun.
Hmmm... That doesn't sound like such a bad idea...
Locket puts his head on Lily's shoulder and purrs. Lily beams. She rocks him a minute, then puts him in his cage. He purrs louder.
Okay, so I can't exactly vouch for Cassie's formatting skills, but that is eerily similar to the way it happened. Cassie knows me too well.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Update on Locket

Thank you so much, Zoolatry!

Okay, so I called the vet and asked how Locket was and the prognosis is good.

They expect him home Friday afternoon, but I need to keep him up on his antibiotics over the weekend and on Tuesday he needs to come in for a blood test. Trina, the vet tech who loves Locket because of his full name, John Locke (see Locky's profile), said one of the other cats hissed at him and he was so shocked he just stared. (We have a no hissing policy in our house.)

I asked if I should keep him crated, but the vet said so long as I keep him quiet he'd be okay. He says he'd be much happier on my lap than he would in his cage.

I'll take my final two midsemester exams tomorrow and then I don't have anything else to do. Locket and I can catch up on old A-Team episodes and I can read him Louisa May Alcott's mysteries.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Purrs and Purrayers Needed...

Thank you, KC and ML, for the lovely purrs picture.

Locket needs some purrs and purrayers tonight. The infection he had when he came in returned twice as bad today and we rushed him to the vet. He said relapses were common with that type of infection and he needs to keep Locket overnight for observation. He cried at me when the technician took him back to the cat room.
Cocoa's been walking around looking for him. I feel so bad.
I've had to leave cats at the vet's before and each time it's heartwrenching. I'm worried he thinks I've left him there for good. Poor baby, he's hardly six months old and he's never been away from his family before, ever. He's probably scared out of his wits.
I can't think about it. It makes me feel so bad, like I'm a bad pet parent to have left him there.

Wordy Wednesday 2009

Thank you so much, Zoolatry! This fits Cocoa avec une Guimauve perfectly!

Oh, and I almost forgot, Happy St. Patrick's Day to all the beans and furbabies! Éirinn go Brách! (Ireland Forever!)


P.S. Any furbabies want to talk to Cassie for me about messing with my blog? (Just joking!)

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Lily's out of town, so I decided to spruce up her blog while she was away...

How do all the beans and furbabies out there like it?

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Triple Threat

Yay! Yippee!

"Adventures in Cat Philanthropy" was nominated for Best Animal Blog...

My site was nominated for Best Animal Blogger!

...and Best Blog Host....

My site was nominated for Best Blogging Host!

...and Best Hobby Blog!

My site was nominated for Best Hobby Blog!

Show your support and vote!

(Thanks, Kat, for letting me know! And thanks, Karen, for the donation!)


Monday, March 2, 2009

Photoblog #4 - 5th Photo Meme

Here's my best little buddy, Locket, who coincidentally shares the same name as the fifth folder on Lily's computer. It's not the best photo. Lily still hadn't gotten the hang of her new camera when she took this and it did a double-flash, a new feature to reduce red eye, which makes us furbabies blink. Can you see his double locket?

Poor Locket got into a terrible fight saving me from a turkey vulture. That's why he's got the scar on his nose. You can't see it unless I turn a certain way, but I have two little scars on the back of my ear from that same vulture. Locket and I are very thankful our bean Lily and her cousin Cassie were there to get rid of it. For a bean, she's really short but she can run really fast. Of course, this was all before she brought us inside.

Cassie says our big brother D'Artagnan is like James Bond - so suave and macho - and Locket's like his socially awkward little brother, Jamie Bond. I think this is very mean because while D'Ar is a fierce mancat, Locket is sweeter. He comforted Cassie for hours after her gerbil Wheezy died and she came over. Come to think of it, Cassie's been over here a lot since her gerbil Wheezy died, even though she has her own furbaby Parker, which Cassie swears should be in covert ops, whatever that is. But that's another story.

And here's another one. This one isn't the fifth photo, but it's the most recent of my mommy and me. Cassie took this when Lily was at her human vet getting antibiotics.

This is me cleaning my mommy's face. She'd already cleaned mine, so the least I could do was return the favor. Cassie always tells me I have the pinkest tongue. Err... I have to ask all the other furbabies out there who've been with their beans longer - is this a compliment?

Oh, and I'm supposed to list a whole bunch of furblogs for the next round of the 5th Photo Meme - Lily said five, I think? - so here they are.

1. Curlz and Swirlz

2. The Island Cats

3. Derby the Sassy Cat

4. The Kattonic Cats

5. Daisy the Curly Cat

Have fun and remember to donate! I don't know what I'd do without Lily or my mommy and my brothers and sister but Lily would have to separate us and give us to all different homes if she doesn't get a little help. (Thank you to Daniel and Lynn who donated.)

Avec tellement baisers (with lots of kisses),

Cocoa avec une Guimauve (as dictated to Cassie Locke)